The paper summarized the approach to the social enterprize in the Czech Republic from the historical point of view and also the recent development of social enterprize as such as the governmental support and legal frame.
Concept of social economy in the Czech Republic
The concept of social economy is not accepted in the Czech Republic yet, but some facts create suitable condition for establishment and development of social enterprises. Researches confirm the existence of social enterprises even there is no formal definition. Cognition of the social economy foreign theory and practice leads to spreading of ideas about social enterprise and to establishment of Czech social enterprises. The newly established platform of experts and interested people aims to define the social economy, social enterprise in nowadays. The term “social enterprise” is used by academics, particularly at the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of humanities.
Background and history
Backround of Social enterprises development follows the tradition in the Czech Republic. Solidarity, mutual help, organisations, foundations and cooperatives exist in different forms for longer than hundred years. Efforts to establish associations and cooperatives seems to be the "roots" of Czech social enterprises can be found at the beginning of 19th century when a friendly environment for the developement of civic organisations was created. High number of association between WW1 and WW2 followed the tradition started in the 18th and 19th century related to the Czech National Revival. Normalisation in 1970's brought a more authoritarian socialism, where all the public life was under the correction and no public organisations were allowed operating. This remained into force till the end of communism in November 1989.
The "Velvet" revolution brought civil liberty and a collapse of Communist Party. This regime changeover meant a renewal of many public associations. Wide range of new associations and cooperatives of social type were founded (see chapter B). The development of civic sector after 1989 brought nowadays basics of social enterprises.
Nowadays social enterprises
Social enterprises in the Czech Republic are formed “from a bottom up” approach by a voluntary initiative of the citizens. New jobs s are usually created and people from disadvantaged social groups are employed. Social enterprises offer products and services in towns and municipalities. The real beginnings and creations of social enterprises are mainly connected with the implementation of projects supported by the European Structural Funds. From 2003 to 2008, nongovernmental organisationsoften established international cooperation, gained experience from abroad and started to call themselves social enterprises or social companies. The concept of social enterprise is mainly connected with employing disabled people. The legislative background suports these social enterprises by providing subsidies on the created jobs according to the code of employment.
The strength and occurrence of the topic of social enterprise are determined by two main reasons. First, the social enterprises are created through a bottom up approach; it is an activity by the subjects themselves. The second reason is connected with financial support from the European Social Fund, which was allocated to projects dealing with new established social enterprises. The weakness is that the government policy relies on the strength of the free market and underestimates the value of alternative organisations and enterprises, particularly regarding the regional development;
The biggest problem in the Czech Republic is the lack of public knowledge of the social enterprise concepts, social entrepreneurship, and social economy.
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