Aerospace manufacturers are continually challenged with global pressures to remain competitive. Part of the solution is for the companies to continually investigate how technology can positively contribute towards increased efficiency. In order to do this, companies must dedicate resources to this task and rely on vendors, suppliers, consultants and industry experts to assess, and potentially provide and integrate these technologies into their environments.
However, due to many of such implementations requiring unique or custom application and integration, the acquisition of the technology is just the first step in acquiring and operating such environments. The learning process itself is a complex and lengthy process and requires support from many in order to be successful.
Companies understand and believe that in order to overcome the many obstacles of technology implementation, they must rely on and work with others. This presentation describes the collaborative approach to technology investigation and implementation where companies and their resources worked together to collectively learn, approach and understand issues surrounding vision based robotic technology. By pooling resources such as; engineers, technologists, technicians, trades, vendors, suppliers and consultants, the project team was able to share ideas, information, and contribute to the overall objective of exploring, developing, learning, evaluating and implementing technology to fulfill their understanding of its value.
The project investigated, explored, evaluated, compared, demonstrated and piloted the implementation of Vision Based Robotic technology, which located, measured, prepared and assembled components with minimal human intervention.
The critical success factors of the project were; cost, quality, cycle time and safety.
This presentation describes how an initial objective of getting companies to work together, resulted in these companies acquiring significant knowledge and expertise in highly complex robotic systems and processes.
Topics: Process automation/robotization , Topics: Structural assembly