Key determinants of the Brazilian consumer musical preference
Jose Mesquita
Universidade Fumec
Professor at Fumec University, Brazil, research area: relationship marketing, service marketing, quantitative methods.
This paper aims to describe the determining factors in the development of musical preference of Brazilian consumers, in terms of attitudes, actions, emotions and consumer behaviour. Based on this principle, we carried out a... [ view full abstract ]
This paper aims to describe the determining factors in the development of musical preference of Brazilian consumers, in terms of attitudes, actions, emotions and consumer behaviour. Based on this principle, we carried out a review of theoretical concepts on consumer behaviour, emphasizing music appreciation and preference development. Through a quantitative research with descriptive approach, we interviewed 171 music consumers. The data were analysed using exploratory factor analysis. Besides the five factors proposed according to the theoretical model: cultural, social, personal, psychological and motivational, we find other three factors, called: religious, pleasure and family. The results show that members of society consume a musical style based on the con-cepts mentioned in the lyrics and the melodies, so that they feel good and motivated to perform an action that attracts good feelings and hence good achievements. As academic contribution, we seek the theoretical enrichment on this topic, little explored by marketing researchers, especially in Brazil. As managerial contributions, the empirical findings can contribute to the companies of the musical and phonographic industry to develop marketing strategies through a more cautious re-search market.
Ramon Guimaraes
(Universidade Fumec)
Jose Mesquita
(Universidade Fumec)
Carolina Silva
(Universidade Fumec)
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Arts and Heritage Track: Click here for the Arts and Heritage track
PT10-AH3 » Arts & Heritage Marketing (11:00 - Wednesday, 8th July)
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