The South American seagrass Zostera chiliensis: endangered or invasive?


The seagrass Zostera chilensis was recently described following taxonomic separation of Heterozostera tasmanica into four new species. With only three known populations occurring along the coast of central Chile it is... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Craig Sherman (Deakin University)
  2. Tim Smith (Deakin University)
  3. Martin Thiel (CEAZA, Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo)
  4. Bernardo Broitman (CEAZA, Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo)
  5. Graeme Hays (Deakin University)
  6. Erik Sebille (University of New South Wales)
  7. Nathan Putman (Oregon State University)
  8. Peter Macreadie (Deakin University)
  9. Paul York (TropWATER,James Cook University)

Topic Area

10 - Population Connectivity: the ecology of dispersal and movement in marine environments


OS-8C » Population connectivity: Ecology of Dispersal and Movement (13:20 - Wednesday, 8th July, Little Percy Baxter Lecture Theatre D2.194)

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