A network analysis of habitat connectivity for reef-associated fish to evaluate marine reserve placement


Movements by fish make important connections among habitat patches in coastal seascapes. Identification of movement patterns can help incorporate connectivity into conservation management. For this strategy to be successful,... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Sarah Engelhard (Griffith University, School of ENV, Australian Rivers Institute)
  2. Chantal Huijbers (Griffith University, School of ENV, Australian Rivers Institute)
  3. Ben Stewart-Koster (Griffith University, School of ENV, Australian Rivers Institute)
  4. Andrew Olds (University of the Sunshine Coast)
  5. Thomas Schlacher (University of the Sunshine Coast)
  6. Rod Connolly (Griffith)

Topic Area

13 - Open Theme (for contributions that do not fit named themes)


OS-9C » Population connectivity: Ecology of Dispersal and Movement (15:50 - Wednesday, 8th July, Little Percy Baxter Lecture Theatre D2.194)

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