Great Barrier Reef Common 'Live' Habitat Map: A New Project


The coral reefs of the GBR are a globally unique and essential national resource for Australia; however, no single map exists showing its extent, depth and habitat composition. Baseline mapping of the composition of an... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Chris Roelfsema (Biophysical Remote Sensing Group, School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management, University of Queensland)
  2. Stuart Phinn (Biophysical Remote Sensing Group School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management The University of Queensland)
  3. Eva Kovacs (Biophysical Remote Sensing Group School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management The University of Queensland)
  4. Peter J. Mumby (Marine Spatial Ecology Lab and School of Biological Sciences, University of Queensland)
  5. Sarah Hamylton (School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Wollongong)
  6. Magnus Wettle (EOMAP)
  7. Mike Ronan (Department of Environment and Heritage Protection)
  8. Dave Callaghan (Civil Engineering The University of Queensland)

Topic Area

S3 - Monitoring, evaluation and reporting on the health of Australia’s marine environment:


OS-5B » Symposium: Monitoring, evaluation, reporting on the marine environment (13:20 - Tuesday, 7th July, Percy Baxter Lecture Theatre D2.193)

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