Improved Sampling of Rock Lobster populations in Merri Marine Sanctuary and the role of habitat in MPA assessments


Parks Victoria has an extensive monitoring program across the system of Marine Protected Areas, which provides a stronger evidence base to better inform management decisions. Rock lobster have been identified as one important... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Daniel Ierodiaconou (Deakin University)
  2. Lachlan Hulands (Deakin University)
  3. Mary Young (Deakin University)
  4. Alexandre Schimel (Deakin University)
  5. Sean Blake (Deakin University)
  6. Steffan Howe (Parks Victoria)
  7. Nick Alexeyeff (Parks Victoria)
  8. Matt Edmunds (Australian Marine Ecology)

Topic Area

S3 - Monitoring, evaluation and reporting on the health of Australia’s marine environment:


OS-7B » Symposium: Monitoring, evaluation, reporting on marine environment (10:40 - Wednesday, 8th July, Percy Baxter Lecture Theatre D2.193)

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