Occurrence of Labyrinthula spp. in seagrass species of New South Wales, Australia


Seagrasses provide numerous ecosystem services and functions, thus seagrass ecosystems are a critical component of nearshore ecosystems worldwide (Table 1). Unfortunately, seagrass meadows are rapidly being lost in Australia... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Brooke Sullivan (School of BioSciences, University of Melbourne)
  2. Osu Lilje (University of Sydney)
  3. Katie Robinson (University of Sydney)
  4. Stacey Trevathan-Tackett (University of Technology Sydney)
  5. Erna Lilje (University of Sydney)
  6. Frank Gleason (University of Sydney)

Topic Area

4 - Estuarine Ecosystems


OS-5A » Estuarine Ecosystems (13:20 - Tuesday, 7th July, Costa Hall)

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