North or South? Biogeographic origins of shorebirds with variable mating systems


Shorebirds are integral to coastal and estuarine biodiversity. However, many species are exposed to anthropogenic impacts because of their ground-nesting habit. In Australia, while the Red-capped Plover (Charadrius... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Natalie dos Remedios (University of Sheffield)
  2. Patricia Lee (Deakin University)
  3. Terry Burke (University of Sheffield)
  4. Tamás Székely (University of Bath)
  5. Clemens Küpper (University of Sheffield)

Topic Area

5 - Marine biogeography: origins, connectivity and macro-ecology of the austral biota


OS-7A » Marine Biogeography of Austral Biota (10:40 - Wednesday, 8th July, Costa Hall)

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