25 years on, have Sydney's deepwater ocean outfalls created problems in adjacent sediment?


Approximately 80% of Sydney’s sewage receives primary treatment at the North Head, Bondi and Malabar wastewater treatment plants. Since 1990-91 treated wastewater has been released through three deepwater outfalls located 2... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Colin Besley (Sydney Water)
  2. Peter Tate (Sydney Water)
  3. Cheryl Marvell (Sydney Water)
  4. Adrienne Gatt (Sydney Water)

Topic Area

S2 - Marine wastewater outfalls in the 21st century: still a solution or just dilution?


OS-1E » SYMPOSIUM: S2 Wastewater Outfalls in the 21st Century: still a solution or just dilution? (10:40 - Monday, 6th July, Lecture Theatre D2.212)

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