Viscosity Solutions to Master Equations
Jianfeng Zhang
University of Southern California
Master equation is a powerful tool for studying McKean-Vlasov dynamics where the distribution of the state process enters the coefficients directly, with particular applications including mean field games and stochastic... [ view full abstract ]
Master equation is a powerful tool for studying McKean-Vlasov dynamics where the distribution of the state process enters the coefficients directly, with particular applications including mean field games and stochastic control problems with partial information. In this talk we propose an intrinsic notion of viscosity solution for master equations and establish its wellposedness. Our main innovation is to restrict the involved measures to certain set of semimartingale measures which satisfies the desired compactness. As one important example, we study the HJB master equation associated with the control problems for McKean-Vlasov SDEs. Due to practical considerations, we consider closed-loop controls. It turns out that the regularity of the value function becomes much more involved in this framework than the counterpart in the standard control problems. Finally, we build the whole theory in the path dependent setting, which is often seen in applications. The main result in this part is an extension of Dupire's functional Ito formula. This Ito formula requires a special structure of the Wasserstein derivatives, which was originally due to Lions in the state dependent case. We extend this well known result to the path dependent setting. Our arguments are elementary and are new even in the state dependent case.
WE-PL-A1 » Jianfeng Zhang (09:00 - Wednesday, 18th July, Burke Theater - Chairman Lane Hughston)