The Black-Scholes Equation in Presence of Arbitrage
The celebrated Black-Scholes PDE, allowing to price a derivative in term of the underlying, relies on the no arbitrage assumption. In this work, we utilize a market model, where portfolio rebalancing and discounting are seen... [ view full abstract ]
The celebrated Black-Scholes PDE, allowing to price a derivative in term of the underlying, relies on the no arbitrage assumption. In this work, we utilize a market model, where portfolio rebalancing and discounting are seen as a parallel transport in some geometric space, whose curvature quantifies the arbitrage possibilities. On this basis we derived an extension of Black-Scholes' PDE, where a non linear term depending explicitly on the arbitrage measure appears. We provide an approximated solution for the price of a European call option by means of perturbation theory with respect to this arbitrage measure.
Hideyuki Takada
(Toho university)
Simone Farinelli
(Core Dynamics GmbH)
Topic Area
Arbitrage Theory
TH-A-UI » No-Arbitrage Theory and FTAP (11:30 - Thursday, 19th July, Ui Chadhain)
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