Generators of measure-valued jump-diffusions
Measure-valued jump-diffusions provide useful approximations of large stochastic systems in finance, such as large sets of equity returns, limit order books, and particle systems with mean-field interaction. The dynamics of a... [ view full abstract ]
Measure-valued jump-diffusions provide useful approximations of large stochastic systems in finance, such as large sets of equity returns, limit order books, and particle systems with mean-field interaction. The dynamics of a measure-valued jump-diffusion is governed by an integro-differential operator of Levy type, expressed using a notion of derivative that is well-known from the superprocess literature, but different from the Lions derivative frequently used in the context of mean-field games. General and easy-to-use existence criteria for jump-diffusions valued in probability measures are derived using new optimality conditions for functions of measure arguments. Further applications include optimal control of measure-valued state processes.
Martin Larsson
Sara Svaluto-Ferro
(ETH Zurich)
Topic Areas
Jump-Diffusions , Polynomial Processes , Stochastic Analysis
TH-P-SW » Polynomial Models and Volterra Equations (14:30 - Thursday, 19th July, Swift)
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