Hyperbolic normal stochastic volatility model
Motivated for alternative option pricing models and heavy-tailed distributions, this study proposes and analyzes a continuous-time stochastic volatility (SV) model based on arithmetic Brownian motion. The normal... [ view full abstract ]
Motivated for alternative option pricing models and heavy-tailed distributions, this study proposes and analyzes a continuous-time stochastic volatility (SV) model based on arithmetic Brownian motion. The normal Stochastic-Alpha-Beta-Rho model is a special case of our model. Using the generalizations of Bougerol's identity from literature, we provide closed-form simulation scheme, efficient quadrature integration for vanilla option price, and fast moment-matching method. Furthermore, the transition probability of another special case is given by Johnson’s SU curve, a popular heavy-tailed distribution with superior analytical tractability. Therefore, our model serves as an analytically tractable SV model and heavy-tailed distribution backed by stochastic differential equation.
Jaehyuk Choi
(Peking University HSBC Business School)
Chenru Liu
(Peking University HSBC Business School)
Byoung Ki Seo
(Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
Topic Areas
Options , Simulation , Stochastic Volatility
MO-A-B2 » Stochastic Volatility 1 (11:30 - Monday, 16th July, Beckett 2)
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