Multivariate factor-based processes with Sato margins
We introduce a class of multivariate factor-based processes with the dependence structure of Lévy rhoalpha-models and Sato marginal distributions. We focus on variance gamma and normal inverse Gaussian marginal specifications... [ view full abstract ]
We introduce a class of multivariate factor-based processes with the dependence structure of Lévy rhoalpha-models and Sato marginal distributions. We focus on variance gamma and normal inverse Gaussian marginal specifications for their analytical tractability and fit properties. We explore if Sato models, whose margins incorporate more realistic moments term structures, preserve the correlation flexibility in fitting option data. Since rhoalpha -models incorporate nonlinear dependence, we also investigate the impact of Sato margins on nonlinear dependence and its evolution over time. Further, the relevance of nonlinear dependence in multivariate derivative pricing is examined.
Andrea Romeo
(Universita di Torino)
Patrizia Semeraro
(Politecnico di Torino)
Marina Marena
(Universita di Torino)
Topic Areas
Calibration , Options
TH-P-B2 » New Models for Option Pricing (14:30 - Thursday, 19th July, Beckett 2)
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