Expected Stock Returns and the Correlation Risk Premium
In general equilibrium settings with stochastic variance and correlation, the market-return is driven by shocks to consumption, market variance andĀ average correlation between stocks, and hence the equity risk premium is... [ view full abstract ]
In general equilibrium settings with stochastic variance and correlation, the market-return is driven by shocks to consumption, market variance andĀ average correlation between stocks, and hence the equity risk premium is composed of compensations for variance, correlation and consumption risks. A new empirical methodology of market return prediction, such that estimating variance and correlation betas from the joint dynamics of option-implied-variables and index-returns is proposed, resulting in significant out-of-sample R2's of 10,4% (7,0%) for 3 (12)-months forecast horizons. Inline with a risk-based explanation for the existence of a correlation risk premium, we document that expected correlation predicts future diversification risks.
Lorenzo Schoenleber
(Frankfurt School of Finance and Management)
Adrian Buss
Grigory Vilkov
(Frankfurt School of Finance and Management)
Topic Areas
Equilibrium Models , Options , Systemic Risk
PS » Poster Presentations (11:00 - Monday, 16th July)
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