A New Class of Switched-Linear Converters

Dalton Vidor

Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM

Dalton Vidor was born in Porto Alegre - Brazil in 1969. He received the M. Sc degree in electrical engineering from UFSC, Brazil, in 1993. Since March 1, 2015, he has been a Ph.D. Student at GEPOC - UFSM, Santa Maria, Brazil.The other activities are to be a Professor of electrical engineering courses in Uniritter and Ulbra and to be the manager of Ideia1 that produce special electronic equipments.


This article presents a new class of hybrid converters named Switched-Linear (SL) Converters that can operate as a DC-DC, DC-AC or AC-DC converter. The idea is originated from conventional linear power amplifier integrated... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Dalton Vidor (Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM)
  2. Paulo Godoy (ULBRA)
  3. Everton Rosa (UFSM)
  4. José Renes Pinheiro (Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM)

Topic Area

DC-AC Converters


PS-3 » Poster Session III (11:10 - Tuesday, 1st December, Foyer)