Synergies and tradeoffs in biodiversity conservation


Biodiversity conservation interventions are increasing being used to meet joint biodiversity and sustainable development objectives. While there is considerable debate on whether conservation interventions result in... [ view full abstract ]


  1. David Gill (Conservation International/ George Mason University)
  2. Louise Glew (WWF-US)
  3. Samantha Cheng (Arizona State University)
  4. Nathan Bennett (University of British Columbia)
  5. Ernest Aigner (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
  6. Mike Mascia (Conservation International)

Topic Areas

Ecosystem: Coastal , Ecosystem: Marine , Big Issues: Human-wellbeing , Solutions: Governance/Management , Solutions: Protected areas


Papers-4A » Protected Areas and Spatial Management (2 hours) (14:00 - Tuesday, 29th May, SB160)

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