Cooperative Organization and Responses to Environmental Change in two Communities in Tabasco, Mexico


Rural inhabitants in many parts of the world face multiple stressors associated with environmental change, yet local governments often do not promote viable or robust ways for community members to adapt to such stressors. This... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Erin Pischke (Michigan Technological University)
  2. M. Azahara Mesa-jurado (El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR))
  3. Amarella Eastmond (Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán)
  4. Jesse Abrams (University of Oregon)
  5. Kathleen E Halvorsen (Michigan Technological University)

Topic Areas

Ecosystem: Agricultural , Resources: Water , Big Issues: Climate change , Big Issues: Human-wellbeing , Solutions: Governance/Management


Papers-2D » Livelihoods (2 hours) (14:00 - Monday, 28th May, SB265)

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