Session: OS - 5A
Brain Injury
13:50 - 15:10 on
Friday, 17th of June 2016
Kate DCruz (La Trobe University,), Linsey Howie (La Trobe University,), Primrose Lentin (Department of Occupational Therapy, Monash University - Peninsula Campus)
Erwin Vanroye (Department of PXL-Healthcare, Occupational Therapy. PXL University College, Hasselt, Belgium), Frederik Smolders (Department of PXL-IT Research, PXL University College, Hasselt, Belgium), Steven Palmaers (Department of PXL-IT Research, PXL University College, Hasselt, Belgium), Annemie Spooren (Department of PXL-Healthcare, Occupational Therapy. PXL University College, Hasselt, Belgium)
Michelle McHugh (The Raphael Medical Centre), Samira Dhamapurkar (The Raphael Medical Centre), Anita Rose (The Raphael Medical Centre)
samira Dhamapurkar (The Raphael Medical Centre), Agnes Shiel (Nation), Barbara Wilson (Oliver Zangwill Centre), Anita Rose (The Raphael Medical Centre)