Session: OS- 11O
Models and Theory

09:00 - 10:40 on Sunday, 19th of June 2016
Tyndall Theatre
  • 09:00
    Verena Biehl (Institute Research and Development in Occupational Therapy, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur, Switzerland), Andrea Glaessel (Institute Research and Development in Occupational Therapy, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur, Switzerland), Ursula Meidert (Institute Research and Development in Occupational Therapy, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur, Switzerland), Alenka Orgin (Zveza društev upokojencev Slovenije (ZDUS)), Alenka Reisner (Zveza društev upokojencev Slovenije (ZDUS)), Johannes Burger (SYNYO GmbH, Vienna, Austria), Heidrun Becker (Institute of Research and Development in Occupational Therapy, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur, Switzerland)
  • 09:20
    Deborah Dougherty (School of Health and Natural Sciences, Occupational Therapy Program, Mercy College), Susan Toth-Cohen (Department of Occupational Therapy, Jefferson School of Health Professions, Thomas Jefferson University.), George Tomlin (School of Occupational Therapy, University of Puget Sound)
  • 09:40
    Gudrun Palmadottir (University of Akureyri), Solrun Oladottir (University of Akureyri)