Application of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Counting Canola Flowers and Describing Seed Yield


  1. TI ZHANG (University of Saskatchewan)
  2. Hema Duddu (University of Saskatchewan)
  3. Menglu Wang (University of Saskatchewan)
  4. Seungbum Ryu (University of Saskatchewan)
  5. Sally Vail (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon SK)
  6. Xulin Guo (University of Saskatchewan)
  7. Rosalind Bueckert (University of Saskatchewan)
  8. Steve Shirtliffe (University of Saskatchewan)

Topic Areas

Special Sessions:  Advances in remote sensing techniques for digital elevation modelling , Special Sessions: UAV-based photogrammetry and remote sensing: deep in data analytics (UAV , General Submission: Genearl submission


OS-2D » UAV-based photogrammetry and remote sensing: deep in data analytics (UAV-PRS: DDA)_1 (13:10 - Tuesday, 19th June, BIOL 124)

