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Trust Processes in the Eye of the Storm: How Do We Cope with Salient Vulnerability?

Trust Processes in the Eye of the Storm: How Do We Cope with Salient Vulnerability?


Disruptive change has become a hallmark of the post-financial crisis era. This paper explores 57 employees currently working in five austerity-constrained and change-riven public sector organizations in a mixed method study of... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Ann-Marie Nienaber (Coventry University)
  2. Rosalind Searle (Coventry University)
  3. Antoinette Weibel (University of St. Gallen)
  4. Deanne Den Hartog (University of Amsterdam)

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PPS-1c » Parallel Paper (Full Conference) Session: Trust Development & Repair (10:00 - Thursday, 17th November, TR5 (2nd Floor))



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