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Trust Ambivalence in the Balance between Trust and Distrust: The Case of Sino-Western Alliance Relationships

Trust Ambivalence in the Balance between Trust and Distrust: The Case of Sino-Western Alliance Relationships


This study investigates trust-building in a cross-cultural context. Representatives of two Finnish companies and their Chinese and Finnish suppliers were interviewed by to collect qualitative data from 23 managers. This study... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Minna Jukka (L)
  2. Kirsimarja Blomqvist (Lappeenranta University of Technology)
  3. Peter Li (Copenhagen Business School)
  4. Chunmei Gan (Sun Yat-sen University)

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PPS-1b » Parallel Paper (Full Conference) Session: Trust & Culture (10:00 - Thursday, 17th November, Newman Study (2nd Floor))



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