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Patterns of Trust and Collaboration among Non-Profit Organizations and Health Funds: A Case-Study

Patterns of Trust and Collaboration among Non-Profit Organizations and Health Funds: A Case-Study


The importance of collaboration between organizations, especially in the modern world, has been discussed extensively by researchers from different fields. However, little empirical research has focused on the role of "trust"... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Vered Reiter (Haifa Univesity)
  2. Shay Tzafrir (Haifa University)
  3. Aviv Kidron (The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College)
  4. Nathaniel Laor (Tel Aviv university)

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PPS-7b » Parallel Paper (Full Conference) Session: Organisational Level Trust (14:00 - Friday, 18th November, Newman Study (2nd Floor))



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