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'Good' and 'bad' control in public administration: How differing implementations of performance appraisal and reward systems impact cooperative climate and employee trust in the employer

'Good' and 'bad' control in public administration: How differing implementations of performance appraisal and reward systems impact cooperative climate and employee trust in the employer


In the course of the new pubic management (NPM) reform, public administrations increasingly introduce performance appraisal and reward systems (PARS). However, the application of such private sector inspired... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Meike Wiemann (University of St. Gallen)
  2. Nadine Meidert (Zeppelin Universität)

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PPS-7c » Parallel Paper (Full Conference) Session: Trust & Employment Relationships (14:00 - Friday, 18th November, TR5 (2nd Floor))



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