Session: PT-S2
Parallel Track 2: Accounting, Finance & Corporate Governance

Dr Andrea McNamara
10:45 - 12:55 on Thursday, 3rd of September 2015
  • 10:45
    Creative innovation and predictable goal achievement: Tension and the use of management control systems at middle management level
    Patricia Martyn (NUI Galway), Breda Sweeney (NUI Galway), Emer Curtis (NUI Galway)
  • 10:45
    Management Accounting and Organisational Change: A Historical Perspective
    Mary Barrett (NUI Galway), Barbara Flood (dcu), Bernard Pierce (dcu)
  • 10:45
    New product development in practice: exploring accounting as an opportunity for innovation
    Loredana Smaldore (National University of Ireland, Galway), Geraldine Robbins (National University of Ireland, Galway), Cristiano Busco (Luiss University, Italy and University of Roehampton, UK)
  • 10:45
    Has the global financial crisis impacted the relative importance of country and industry effects in portfolio diversification? The Case of Emerging Markets
    Keith Fitzgerald (Trinity College Dublin), Jenny Berrill (Trinity College Dublin)
  • 10:45
    The capital budgeting process for an Irish PPP: A case study of the Metro North megaproject
    Desmond Gibney (National College of Ireland)