Session: PT-S1
Parallel Track 1: HRM 2

Prof Maura Sheehan
09:15 - 10:30 on Thursday, 3rd of September 2015
  • 09:15
    Telework: Differential reactions to workplace personnel policies
    Dilene Crockett (Northeastern State University), Kenneth E. Jones, Jr. (Northeastern State University)
  • 09:15
    Teams 2015 - Development of A norm for Team Performance
    John O Hanlon (dcu), Paul Davis (dcu), Noel Caffrey (The 2C Company), Mark Chappell (The 2C Company)
  • 09:15
    The impact of the interplay of job demands and job resources on job performance: the case of the Irish civil service
    Dermot Clynes (Department of Public Expenditure and Reform), Aurora Trif (Dublin City University)
  • 09:15
    Age and Gender Variations in Perceptions of Older Workers, Ageism, Sexism, Associated Threats and Perceived Employability
    Jeanette Cleveland (Colorado State University), Madison Hanscom (Colorado State University)