The building sector is facing the impact of industrialization processes and digitalization. The Building Information Modelling (BIM) is taking a more and more important place in construction and renovation projects. It changes the representations of buildings and the work models. The consequences are the explosion of digital data and strong changes in the way to operate the existing building stock.
The BIM is never a perfect technology nor a single model, but a complex process in the cradle-to-grave life-cycle assessment approach. It is to be highlighted that more than three quarters of the global costs of a building are generated after construction phase. However, the integration of BIM in the estate management hasn’t much progressed. In the meantime, the upstream participants, such as the architects and the structure engineers, have been equipped and using the digital/BIM tools. Most of the building projects are today designed and presented by 2D or 3D digital models and BIM models but very few of these models are implemented in management. It exposes the asymmetry of digitalized information among the building actors, and the short board in BIM uses of the estate managers.
The BIM transition in estate management combines many multidisciplinary parameters which are complex to be assembled and optimized. In order to guide the estate managers and to improve and promote this process, a metric system is needed to measure the BIM transition.
The construction of a metric system is based on information system (IS) analysis and multiple-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). The digitization processes of data will be evaluated through analytical and systemic approaches with the logic of scientific models of IS and multiple-criteria methodologies. They will be developed to take into account the different dimensions of the constraints due to BIM integration.
The paper aims to formalize the construction of a metric system to measure the BIM transition in estate management. Three main steps will be presented:
- State of the art of BIM in estate management of existing building stocks in France;
- Issues, objectives and needs of a metric system as practical reference for estate managers;
- Methodology supports involved in building the metrics in estate management.
Particular attention will be paid to the multiple-criteria decision analysis of information system in estate management.