Acceleration of the activation of hepatic stellate cells by bacteria via ROS

Soichi Kojima


After receiving the degree of Doctor of Science from the Graduate School of Science and Engineering of Tokyo Institute of Technology in March 1990 followed by three years of post-doctoral studies at the New York University Medical Center, Soichi Kojima joined RIKEN in April 1993. From April 2003 he served as Unit Leader of the Molecular Cellular Pathology Research Unit, from April 2008 as Team Leader of the Molecular Ligand Target Research Team of the Chemical Genomics Research Group, and from April 2013 through the present as Unit Leader of the Micro-Signaling Regulation Technology Unit, Center for Life Science Technologies. In April 2012 he assumed the post of Collaborative Professor of Life Science and Technology Track at the Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences of Tokyo Medical and Dental University, and from December 2016 he will concurrently serve as Guest Professor of Clinical Laboratory Medicine at Jikei University School of Medicine. Since July 2012 he has headed a research team engaged in “drug discovery research for treating hepatitis B using next-generation foundational life technologies” under a Health and Labour Sciences Research Grant (currently Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)) research project for the discovery and practical application of drugs for treating hepatitis B.


Background/Objectives: We recently reported an association of reactive oxygen species (ROS)-producing fungi and E. coli with enhanced nuclear transglutaminase activity in hepatic cells leading to apoptosis (Sci Rep, in press).... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Xian-yang Qin (RIKEN CLST)
  2. Mitsuko Hara (RIKEN CLST)
  3. Yutaka Furutani (RIKEN CLST)
  4. Kotaro Sakata (Wakunaga Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.)
  5. Koichi Tamura (Wakunaga Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.)
  6. Takami Oka (Wakunaga Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.)
  7. Soichi Kojima (RIKEN CLST)

Topic Area

Gut microbiota in liver disease


OS2 » Session 2 Gut Microbiota & LSEC (09:00 - Thursday, 15th June, Aula Maxima, Ground Floor)