"Who Are We? The doctrine of the Laudato si on the nature and tasks of sustainability sciences and scientists"

Prof. Viriato Soromenho-Marques

University of Lisbon, Portugal

Viriato Soromenho-Marques (1957) teaches Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Nature, and European Ideas in the Departments of Philosophy and European Studies of the University of Lisbon, where he is Full Professor. Since 1978 he has been engaged in the civic environmental movement in Portugal and Europe. In 2004 he was invited by the Portuguese Prime-Minister to be one of the five authors of the Portuguese National Strategy for Sustainable Development. He was one of the twelve members of the High Level Group on Energy and Climate Change by invitation of the President of the European Commission (2007-2010). He is a regular contributor to some Portuguese mass media and particularly, the Portuguese and Brazilian Sections of the BBC. He wrote over four hundred works on Philosophy, Environment and International Relations matters. He was speaker in over one thousand conferences in Portugal and twenty three other countries. Some of his texts and books are translated to Spanish, French, English, German, Norwegian and Mandarin.


PS-2 » Keynote Prof. Viriato Soromenho-Marques (13:30 - Wednesday, 13th July, Auditorium – Nova Rectorate Building)