Session: 2a-08
Biodiversity and Ecosystem challenges
Joachim Spangenberg & Rob Wallis
14:10 - 15:30 on
Friday, 15th of July 2016
224, Nova SBE (1st floor)
Sergio A. Molina-Murillo (National University of Costa Rica (UNA), and University of Costa Rica (UCR)), Maria Jose Avellan-Zumbado (National University of Costa Rica (UNA)), Carla Padilla-Salas (National University of Costa Rica (UNA))
Clare Barnes (Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development), Frank Van Laerhoven (Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development), Maria Joao Ferreira Dos Santos (Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development), Peter Driessen (Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development), Rachel Claus (Independent Researcher), Mary Ann George (Independent Researcher)
Paula Quinteiro (University of Aveiro), Marijn Van De Broek (KU Leuven), Ana Dias (University of Aveiro), Bradley Ridoutt (CSIRO), Luis Arroja (University of Aveiro)
Ine Vandecasteele (Joint Research Centre of the European Commission), Inés Marí Rivero (Joint Research Centre of the European Commission), Claudia Baranzelli (Joint Research Centre of the European Commission), William Becker (Joint Research Centre of the European Commission), Ilda Dreoni (Joint Research Centre of the European Commission), Carlo Lavalle (Joint Research Centre of the European Commission), Okke Batelaan (Flinders University)