Geological factors influence on indoor radon in settlements on Techa river
Andrian Seleznev
Institute of Industrial Ecology UB RAS
Andrian Seleznev, age: 31. Ph.D. (Environmental Geoscience). Postdoctoral researcher, Institute of Industrial Ecology of UB RAS. Research Interests:urban environment, soils, heavy metals pollution, migration of pollutants, sediments of puddles in local surface depressed zones of landscape, environmental geosciences, geochronology, urban environmental geochemistry, environmental assessment, environmental risk assessment, radiation measurements, gamma-spectrometry, radioecology.Research Activities:Grants from Russian Foundation for Basic Research:- Recent anthropogenic sediments at the urban territories: formation, accumulation of pollution, environmental and geological role (grant # 16-35-60044) – 2016-2018.- Experimental and model study of deposition and accumulation of heavy metals in the recent anthropogenic sediments in urban environment (grant # 16-35-00129) – 2016-2017.- Study of sediments of relief depressed zones as new object of monitoring of urban environment (grant # 10-05-96011) – 2010-2011.- Experimental and model study of contamination and migration of Cs-137 in objects of urban ecosystem (grant # 08-08-00101) – 2008-2009.
Radon-222, radioactive gas is product of decay of natural radium-226 in rocks and soils. Radon emanates from solid grains and exhales to atmosphere. Accumulation of radon in homes is significant health problem. Geological and... [ view full abstract ]
- Ilia Yarmoshenko (Institute of Industrial Ecology UB RAS)
- Georgy Malinovsky (Institute of Industrial Ecology UB RAS)
- Aleksey Vasilyev (Institute of Industrial Ecology UB RAS)
- Andrian Seleznev (Institute of Industrial Ecology UB RAS)
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OS-4A » Environmental Health (10:00 - Tuesday, 16th August, O' Flaherty Theatre)