Source and behaviour of Ge in agricultural and grazing land soils at European continental scale
Clemens Reimann
Dr. Clemens Reimann is an expert in multi-media, multi-element regional geochemical mapping, biogeochemistry and statistical data analysis. He is the author/editor of 4 geochemical atlases covering increasingly larger areas (from 200.000 to 5.6 million km2), three books and more than 150 articles in the field of geochemistry and geochemical data analysis in international journals. He is presently Chairman of the EuroGeo¬Surveys Geochemistry Expert Group. He has been President of the International Association of GeoChemistry (IAGC), distinguished lecturer of the Association of Applied Geochemists (AAG) and received the gold medal of the AAG in 2013. Clemens has worked as lecturer in mineralogy, petrology, economic geology and geochemistry at Leoben Mining University, project geologist for Selco Inc. in eastern Canada, in contract research in Austria, and has been head of laboratory in an Austrian cement company before joining the section for hydrogeology and geochemistry at the Geological Survey of Norway in 1993.
Agricultural soil (Ap-horizon, 0–20 cm) and grazing land soil (Gr-horizon, 0–10 cm) were collected from a large part of Europe (33 countries, 5.6 million km2) as part of the GEMAS soil mapping project (GEochemical Mapping... [ view full abstract ]
- Philippe Negrel (BRGM)
- Anna Ladenberger (Geological Survey of Sweden)
- Clemens Reimann (Geologi)
- Manfred Birke (Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources)
- Martiya Sadeghi (Geological Survey of Sweden)
- GEMAS Project Team (EuroGeoSurveys)
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Choose your Organised Session from the list below: Regional geochemical mapping – methods
PS » Poster Session Available from 14th - 17th August (16:45 - Wednesday, 17th August, Arts/Science Concourse)