Chemical composition of groundwater/drinking water and health status of population of the Slovak Republic

Stanislav Rapant

State Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur

Stanislav is Associated Professor, DrSc., working as senior geochemist at State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. He has over 35 year experience in environmental geochemistry. In the last 15 years he has been dealing with the research in the field of medical geology and geochemistry and was in charge of several medical-geochemical projects performed at regional level in the Slovak Republic. Recently, he is a project manager of two projects financed under the EU Life+ programme – GEOHEALTH (LIFE10 ENV/SK/086, /? lang=en) and LIFE FOR KRUPINA (LIFE12 ENV/SK/094, Both projects are highly innovative and bring new methodological approaches for analysis of a geological environment and human health relationship.


Presented study deals with relationship between chemical composition of groundwater/drinking water and health status of inhabitants of the Slovak Republic. Primary datasets consist of national database of chemical analysis of... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Stanislav Rapant (State Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur)
  2. Veronika Cveckova (State Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur)
  3. Katarina Fajcikova (State Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur)
  4. Jana Michalcova (Regional authority of public health, Zvolen)
  5. Beata Stehlikova (Faculty of Economy and Business, Panaeuropean University)

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OS-4A » Environmental Health (10:00 - Tuesday, 16th August, O' Flaherty Theatre)