Transferable colistin resistance encoding gene mcr-1 not detected in E. coli isolated from humans and retail meats in Ireland
Carina Brehony
NUI Galway
Carina is a Irish Research Council Post-doctoral Fellow working on water associated verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC) and its contribution to humaninfection in Ireland. She spent 12 years in the lab of Prof Martin Maiden at the University of Oxford where she completed her PhD on the molecular epidemiology of disease-associated Neisseria meningitidis. Her interests include the use of whole-genome sequencing for molecular epidemiology and population genetics of pathogenic bacteria.
Background and Objectives The plasmid-mediated colistin resistance gene, mcr-1, was first described in November 2015 by Liu et al in E. coli isolated from food, animals and humans. Subsequently, others have isolated E. coli... [ view full abstract ]
- Carina Brehony (NUI Galway)
- Blathnaid Mahon (NUI Galway)
- Martin Cormican (NUI Galway)
- Bob Madden (Agri Food & Biosciences Institute)
- Carmel Kelly (Agri Food & Biosciences Institute)
- Lynn Moran (Agri Food & Biosciences Institute)
- Siobhan Kavanagh (NUI Galway)
- Cyril Carroll (NUI Galway)
- James Bray (University of Oxford)
- Keith Jolley (University of Oxford)
- Martin Maiden (University of Oxford)
- Dearbhaile Morris (National University of Ireland, Galway)
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OS-6D » Microbiology (15:30 - Tuesday, 16th August, Mc Munn Theatre)