Spatial abilities (SA) predict many life achievements, including academic achievement and career in Science, Technical, Engineering and Maths fields (STEM) (Wai et al, 2009; Lubinski, 2016). Known that SA predict mathematical abilities (Shea et al, 2001; Rudenko et al, 2013). The aim of the present study is to investigate the links between SA and performance on the State Examinations in Russia.
Data were collected from 803 university students. Results of two General State Exams (GSE): maths and Russian language were used collected from participants. SA were tested using online test batteries, which include spatial tests capturing several major putative dimensions of SA.
Correlational analysis showed significant relations between SA and achievement. The subtests correlated with both Russian and Mathematics exams. For example “3D drawing” with maths (r = 0.46, p < 0.00) and Russian language (r = 0.10, p < 0.00), and “2D Rotation” with maths (r = 0.38, p< 0.00) and Russian language (r = 0.11, p < 0.00). “Brics” subtests correlated only with maths: “2D rotation/visualization” (r = 0.27, p < 0.00), “3D rotation/visualization” (r = 0.23, p < 0.00).
A step-wise regressional analysis was conducted with maths exam as criterion. In the first step were age, gender, education level, professional fields and city were entered. In the second step, spatial abilities subtests were added. The model was significant on both steps p < 0,00. First model F (5, 718) = 16,985, explained only 10% of variation. Significant predictors were “city” (β = -0.22, p < 0.00), “professional field” (β = -0.15, p < 0.00), “age” (β = 0.15, p < 0.00). Second model with SA F (9, 718) = 32,931, explained 28% of variation, which means that the spatial tests added 18% to explaining power model. Significant predictors were still “city” (β = -0.16, p< 0.00), “professional field” (β= -0.10, p< 0.00), “age” (β= 0.07, p= 0.04), and also predictors for subtests “King’s Challenge” were -”3D drawing” (β = -0.10, p< 0.00); “2D Rotation” (β = 0.16, p< 0.00). The results suggest that spatial ability is a significant predictor of the state exam in maths.
This work was supported by the Russian Ministry for Education and Science project № 25.8905.2017/9.10.