Emiliano Santarnecchi1, Marie Banich2, Roberto Colom3, Ian Deary4, Douglas Detterman5, Rex Jung7, Sherif Karama6, Alvaro Pascual-Leone1, Robert Sternberg8, Richard Haier9Cognitive Neuroscience is growing in ways that will... [ view full abstract ]
Emiliano Santarnecchi1, Marie Banich2, Roberto Colom3, Ian Deary4, Douglas Detterman5, Rex Jung7, Sherif Karama6, Alvaro Pascual-Leone1, Robert Sternberg8, Richard Haier9
Cognitive Neuroscience is growing in ways that will be critical for understanding intelligence.New analytical approaches such as machine learning and complex network analysis are steadily advancing, providing new insights into complex brain-cognition dynamics previously not accessible. Moreover, in the era of Big Data, the average sample size of cognitive studies using neuroimaging, DNA and proxy measures of intelligence (e.g. educational attainment) has dramatically increased. Intelligence research is somewhat behind such innovation, with too many underpowered studies using older analytical approaches. Even more worrisome, intelligence research too often translates into simplistic, one-dimensional Cognitive Enhancement applications (e.g. cognitive training, videogames, brain stimulation) which contribute to the “rush for enhancement” observed in the last decade. In an effort to create a platform to facilitate discussion and integration among groups/approaches/fields, as well as to promote rigor(by enabling large datasets for study and test-retest evaluation) and transparency(by encouraging analysis of data by multiple teams), we announce the Neuroscience of Intelligence and Cognitive Enhancement (NICE) consortium: a multidisciplinary community with the aim of (a) promoting innovative ideas and (b) data sharing (e.g. neuroimaging, neurophysiology, psychometrics, genetics), (c) developing new analytical approaches and (d) interactive environments to facilitate connections among intelligence-researchers and members of other communities, such as Artificial Intelligence, Learning, Complexity, Consciousness, Development, Evolutionary Neurophysiology and Mathematics. An overview of the Consortium, its mission, current partners and modalities to participate will be presented.