Investing in children: the European child maltreatment prevention action plan

Dr. Dinesh Sethi

World Health Organization

Dr Dinesh Sethi is the Programme Manager for Violence and Injury Prevention at the Division of Noncommunicable Diseases and Promoting Health Across the Life-Course, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. He co-ordinates work in the areas of violence and injury prevention with a special focus on child maltreatment, road safety and child injury. Dr Sethi has authored several reports for the European Region, including the European report on preventing child maltreatment and the European report on preventing violence and knife crime among young people. He is responsible for providing technical support to the 53 countries of the European Region. This includes the implementation of ‘Investing in children: the European child maltreatment prevention action plan 2015-2020’.


Child maltreatment is a hidden form of violence and evidence shows that its prevalence is unacceptably high in the European Region. There are an estimated 860 deaths per year in children under 15 years of age. The prevalence... [ view full abstract ]


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