Dynamics of Traumatic Stress, PTSD, and Family Violence among Families Displaced by war in Gulu, Northern Uganda


Abstract This study examined the interrelationship of Traumatic Stress (war violence), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and family violence among families displaced by armed conflict into Internally Displaced Persons... [ view full abstract ]


  1. David Olema (Busitema University)
  2. Claudia Catani (Bielefeld University)
  3. Verena Ertl (Bielefeld University)
  4. Regina Saile (Bielefeld University)
  5. Thomas Lbert (University of Konstanz/Vivo International)
  6. Frank Neuner (B)

Topic Area

Armed conflict and its impact on children and families


S-2 » Social and Psychological Responses to Armed Conflict and Terrorism (16:00 - Monday, 8th February)

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