Reducing Parent-School Information Gaps and Improving Education Outcomes: Evidence from High Frequency Text Messaging in Chile


Schools around the world routinely collect high frequency data on student outcomes like absenteeism,grades, and student conduct, all strong predictors of grade repetition and school dropout. Yet parentsrarely have access to... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Samuel Berlinski (InterAmerican Development Bank)
  2. Matias Busso (InterAmerican Development Bank)
  3. Claudia Martinez (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile)
  4. Taryn Dinkelman (DARTMOUTH COLLEGE)

Topic Areas

D. Microeconomics: D8. Information, Knowledge, and Uncertainty , I. Health, Education, and Welfare: I2. Education and Research Institutions , N. Economic History: N3. Labor and Consumers, Demography, Education, Health, Welfare, Inco


CS5-04 » Education 5 (14:00 - Saturday, 11th November, Chopin)



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