'Straight Outta Vagina' – how depictions of violence and abuse towards women's bodies, in Western art & culture, can be seen to influence and perpetuate the incidence of 'obstetric violence' in maternity care

Laura Godfrey-Isaacs

King's College Hospital, London

Laura Godfrey-Isaacs - Biography Artist, Midwife, Feminist Academic & ActivistTwitter: @godfrey_isaacsLaura Godfrey-Isaacs is an artist, midwife and feminist academic and activist. She spent over twenty years in the arts, training in visual arts, working as a feminist academic and running the radical live art and performance company, home live art In 2016 she graduated as a midwife from King’s College London (KCL), and now works at King’s College Hospital, London. She aspires to bring her knowledge and experience in the arts together with midwifery, to bring fresh interdisciplinary perspectives to inform education, practice and research. She is currently Research Associate with The Digital Institute for Early Parenthood, Ambassador for Proceate Projects and part of the Policy Committee for Equal Health with The Women’s Equality Party Recent presentations include: The Normal Labour and Birth Conference 2016, The RCM Annual Student Conference, ‘Aiming High’ Research event at King’s College Hospital, ‘Give and Take’ at Tate Modern and The European Midwives Association Education Conference. Recent articles include: Midwives Magazine and Women in Prison Magazine.


Topic Area This interdisciplinary, multimedia presentation uses images, music, video and the frame of feminist film, media and visual arts theory to uncover influential examples of disrespectful, abusive and violent... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Laura Godfrey-Isaacs (King's College Hospital, London)

Topic Areas

Social and cultural precursors and consequences of optimal childbirth , Educational aspects , Philosophical and theoretical critiques and debates , Drama, virtual reality, and other multi-media and e-technology approaches


concurr1 » Facilitating normal birth (10:40 - Monday, 2nd October, The Grange View)

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