CD-Like Centrifugal Microfluidic Device for Organophosphorus Pesticides (OPP) Sensing
A centrifugal microfluidic device (CMD) is demonstrated for organophosphorus pesticides (OPP) sensing. CMD is designed as a CD-like to have a sequential sample injection with capillary valves controlled by centrifugal force,... [ view full abstract ]
A centrifugal microfluidic device (CMD) is demonstrated for organophosphorus pesticides (OPP) sensing. CMD is designed as a CD-like to have a sequential sample injection with capillary valves controlled by centrifugal force, i.e. rotational speed (rpm). OPP in CMD could be successfully derived into a mixer at 570 rpm and then spined into a detection reservoir at 2000 rpm. The experiment results indicated that limit of detection (LD) for OPP is 0.01 ppm. A linear relationship between OPP logarithmic concentration (ppm) and inhibition rateĀ is 0.9215
Yu-Sheng Lin
(Sun Yat-Sen University)
Topic Area
Biomedical optical devices and nano-biophotonics
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