Characterization and Reliability Study of a MEMS Mirror Based on Electrothermal Bimorph Actuation
An electrothermal bimorph based MEMS mirror with large scan range, high fill factor and high resonant frequency is presented. A reliability issue due to burn-out of a bimorph thermal actuator is also studied and modeled. [ view full abstract ]
- Haoran Wang (University of Florida, Tianjin University)
- Huikai Xie (University of Florida)
- Daihua Zhang (Tianjin University)
- Xiaoyang Zhang (University of Florida)
- Liang Zhou (University of Florida)
Topic Areas
Tunable and active micro- and nano-devices: optical, plasmonic, THz , Optical and photonic sensors, transducers and microsystems
We-4 » Micromirror Scanners (16:00 - Wednesday, 16th August, Sierra/Cumbre/Vista)