Mode-group mixing device via complex phase masks printed on fiber tip


We introduce a novel, low loss and compact mode scrambler, printed directly on fiber-connector. The device is optimized to flatten inter-mode-group mixing level over all mode-groups at minimum loss for strong mixing in FMF links. [ view full abstract ]


  1. Miri Blau (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
  2. Moriya Rosenfeld (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
  3. Juan Carlos Alvarado Zacarias (College of Optics and Photonics , University of Central Florida)
  4. Rodrigo Amezcua Correa (The College of Optics and Photonics, University of Central Florida)
  5. Dan Marom (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Topic Area

Optical and photonic sensors, transducers and microsystems


Tu-3 » Dielectric metasurfaces and structures (15:30 - Tuesday, 15th August, Sierra/Cumbre/Vista)

