Session: OS-5A
Supporting supply chain due diligence on human and labor rights with Social LCA 3
08:45 - 09:45 on
Wednesday, 15th of June 2016
Ambalika Gupta (Mahindra Sanyo Special Steel Pvt. Ltd), Marzia Traverso (BMW), Uday Gupta (Mahindra Sanyo Special Steel Pvt. Ltd), Peter Tarne (BMW Group)
Joy Murray (Integrated Sustainability Analysis / School of Physics / The University of Sydney), Arne Geschke (University of Sydney), Arunima Malik (ISA, School of Physics A28, The University of Sydney), Manfred Lenzen (University of Sydney)
Ali Alsamawi (Integrated Sustainability Analysis / School of Physics / The University of Sydney), Joy Murray (Integrated Sustainability Analysis / School of Physics / The University of Sydney), Manfred Lenzen (Integrated Sustainability Analysis / School of Physics / The University of Sydney)