Transnational Engagements: Postfeminist Articulations and Critique

Michelle Lazar

National University of Singapore

Michelle Lazar is a critical discourse analyst by training (Ph.D Lancaster University, 1989), and researches in the areas of gender, sexuality, media, and politics. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of English Language and Literature, and the Academic Convenor of Gender Studies at the National University of Singapore. She has been involved for many years in the Advisory and Executive Councils of the International Gender and Language Association, and is currently the President of the Association. Michelle is also the founding editor of Critical Studies in Discourse (Routledge monograph series). She is involved in two ongoing projects: on postfeminist media discourse, and (with Teun van Dijk) on political discourses of the South.


It has now become common practice in sociolinguistic and discourse studies on gender to keep a concerted focus on the ‘local’, in order to avoid the pitfalls of making sweeping universal claims. The notion of... [ view full abstract ]


PL-03 » Plenary lecture 3 - Michelle Lazar (09:00 - Friday, 5th June, Grand Hall)