A sociolinguistics of the meta: Another look at reflexivity

Nikolas Coupland

Copenhagen University

Nik Coupland is Research Professor at Copenhagen University and at University of Technology Sydney. He is a Fellow of the (UK) Academy of Social Sciences and of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. For many years he chaired the Cardiff University Centre for Language and Communication Research. He was founding editor, with Allan Bell, of the Journal of Sociolinguistics, published by Wiley-Blackwell. With Adam Jaworski he edits the Oxford University Press book series, Oxford Studies in Sociolinguistics. He has published some 25 books on wide-ranging aspects of sociolinguistics, discourse and social change, including the (2010) Handbook of Language and Globalization (Wiley-Blackwell), and (with Tore Kristiansen) the (2011) volume Standard Languages and Language Standards in a Changing Europe (Novus Press). He is involved in two current international projects: (1) Peripheral Multilingualism: A Sociolinguistic Ethnography of Contestation and Innovation in Multilingual Minority Language Sites, funded by The Finnish Academy (see peripheralmultilingualism.fi/); (2) Standard Language in Contemporary Europe (SLICE), a European network and research programme on language (de)standardisation, based at the University of Copenhagen’s LANCHART Centre (see lanchart.hum.ku.dk/). Forthcoming books include Small Languages in New Circumstances (with Pietikäinen, Kelly-Homes and Jaffe) and Style, Mediation and Change: Sociolinguistics and the Talking Media (with Mortensen and Thøgersen).


In this presentation I argue that several of the sociolinguistic processes that are considered most salient in the era of globalising late modernity find their basis in reflexivity – I’m thinking of the commodification of... [ view full abstract ]


PL-01 » Plenary lecture 1 - Nikolas Coupland (17:00 - Wednesday, 3rd June, Grand Hall)