Nation Branding and Cosmopolitanism Nationalism: “Singularizing” Catalan Language and Culture for the Global and Local Market
Kathryn Woolard
University of California, San Diego
Kathryn Woolard is a linguistic anthropologist (Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, 1983) and professor of Anthropology at the University of California, San Diego. She is an elected fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a recent fellow of the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies. Woolard has conducted fieldwork on the sociolinguistic situation in Catalonia over more than 30 years, and has also published research on Spanish-English language politics in the U.S. and on language ideology in early modern Spain. She is author of, among other works, Double Talk; Bilingualism and the Politics of Ethnicity in Catalonia (Stanford 1989) and co-editor (with Bambi Schieffelin and Paul Kroskrity) of Language Ideologies: Practice and Theory (Oxford, 1998) and (with Susan Gal) Language and Publics (St. Jerome 2001). More recently she co-edited (with Susan Frekko) a special issue of the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (2013) on “Catalan in the 21st Century.”
National branding is one of the motivating forces in the trend toward linguistic commodification that has been identified with the globalized economy. As a (currently) stateless nation attempting to win international... [ view full abstract ]
PL-05 » Plenary lecture 5 - Kathryn Woolard (13:30 - Saturday, 6th June, Grand Hall)