Contribution of Earth Observation to Public Health Practices

Nicholas Ogden

(Public Health Risk Sciences Division, National Microbiology Laboratory, PHAC)

Dr. Nick Ogden is a UK-trained veterinarian (University of Liverpool, 1983). After 10 years of mixed clinical practice, he then completed a doctorate in Lyme disease ecology at the Department of Zoology, University of Oxford in 1996. During the six years he spent as a lecturer at the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Liverpool, he continued his research into the ecology and epidemiology of tick-borne diseases of public health importance in Europe and those of importance to livestock production in Africa. In 2002 he moved to Canada, where he continued research on the ecology of Lyme disease and other zoonoses and climate change as a research scientist at the Public Health Agency of Canada. As interim Director of the Environmental Issues Division of the Public Health Agency of Canada he directed a program on climate change and vector and water-borne disease risks, and community adaptation to these risks. As Director of the Zoonoses Division he directed programs on national coordination, surveillance and prevention of zoonoses including Lyme disease and West Nile virus. He is now a senior research scientist and Director of Public Health Risk Sciences division within the National Microbiology Laboratory of the Public Health Agency of Canada focusing on the ecology, epidemiology and genetic diversity of vectors and zoonotic and vector-borne micro-organisms, assessing impacts of climate change and developing tools for public health adaptation in the field of zoonoses.


Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases are major threats to health globally, and are a ‘One Health’ issue driven by the combination of natural and anthropogenic factors that affect the interface of animal and human... [ view full abstract ]


KN-6 » Keynote - Conférencier (17:00 - Wednesday, 21st June, Amphitheatre)